It’s 1:30 in the morning and you already know its time for a p-p-p-post. I added some more pictures today. I also learned how to format that one part below the plugin I have displaying all of the pictures. My dad said that my grammar is shit on this website but I don’t care, these are meant to be conversational so I can write them quickly and frequently. I also think it will eventually make me a better writer, unless I drop this project within the first month. I’m considering adding some kind of file upload on this website. could be a cool way to be sent stuff.
Aisley said that this would be my new Instagram and in some ways she’s right. I have missed having a place to share things since I deleted social media. Each platform has its own set of unwritten rules, so I posted infrequently as to not make any waves in the strange ecosystem that is an online social network. I feel that this is a lot different though. A “.xyz” domain makes it improbable for most people to find but I still have an easily found forum I can share. This might not end up being exclusively a portfolio page.
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